🏦"Not afraid to look at my bank account."

I often get questions about how my coaching works. What are the details? What would we actually accomplish? What does this look like when we finish our work together?

Well, Podge Thomas, a client from 2020-2021, recently gave a podcast interview describing in great detail our work together. You should check it out. Here are some highlights below.

The Problem

When we began working together, Podge was at a point in her career where she was earning more money and, at the same time, spending it.

“I became an independent adult, making the kind of money required to do the fun things. Then all I wanted to do was spend money so that I could do the fun things. I wanted to eat out. I wanted to buy clothes. I wanted to fit in.”

The Work

Podge and I put her money towards what she really valued. We co-built a budget that was realistic, and she became much more aware of her daily spending.

“I just spent normally for a month and tracked it. And then we'll really see what's going on. And it wasn't to shame me; it was so that I could see where my money was going. So that I could empower myself to make different choices.”

“Within a couple of months, I felt a difference... I became proud because I was making these choices. And I felt powerful because I was able to make them in alignment with what I wanted.”

The Outcome

Podge and her partner saved $55,000 for a down payment and paid off most of the credit card debt. Years later, she still feels financially confident.

“I’m not afraid of looking at my bank account. I'm not afraid of opening bills because even if things are tight, even when things get tight, which they do, I have a plan. And I love that it really takes the stress off and takes the stress off the relationship.”

“I don't feel like I need to spend money or go shopping to feel better about myself. Which I actually can't believe I'm saying that out loud.”

If you know what you want in life but struggle to find a way to make it happen, let’s set up a discovery call. Just like Podge, you deserve to control your finances and see your savings grow.


⚕️Dylan Q&A: When to take on Debt?


😹 If you don’t feel comfortable spending money…